Pedi Pamper Foot Peel

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I purchased the Pedi Pamper Foot Peel from amazon (link above) at a discounted rate for an honest review. I was very intrigued by the claims of this product and couldn't wait to try it. As you can see from the video above it isn't a pretty process but you do end up with pretty feet in the end. I started with the soak on Thursday I chose the longer time as it had been awhile since I had a pedi. The smell reminded me of nail polish remover or alcohol so you could say it was pretty strong. It was a simple process to get the plastic booties on and then you wait...60-70 minutes. Then you rinse with warm water and this is where I got skeptical because there was no change other than my polish rubbing off. A couple days later was my birthday and my sister decided to treat me to a pedicure I was hoping my feet didn't peel while they we're scrubbing my feet that would of been embarrassing but nothing happened there was just a little peeling but nothing major. Fast forward to Sunday evening when the peeling really started as you can see in the video. They say for the best results soak your feet for 10 minutes everyday and it really does help I soaked my feet and they really started peeling. I'm on day five of the seven day peel and almost all my dead skin is gone although I do have some peeling to go. I did not like the process of the peel but I do like the out come my feet are as soft as baby feet so if you can deal with some peeling for a few days then I would totally recommend this foot peel. #PediPamper

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